MMOニュース - 海外:Wargaming、オンライン戦闘機バトル『 World of Warplanes 』 正式サービス開始日が11月12日(or 13日)へと変更に についてのコメント 0 件

海外:Wargaming、オンライン戦闘機バトル『 World of Warplanes 』 正式サービス開始日が11月12日(or 13日)へと変更に [ 公式サイト ]

Pilots, You have come to expect from us exceptional gameplay, and we intend to deliver on that expectation from day one. We believe it is imperative to release our game only when it is ready; to do otherwise feels disloyal and is likely to frustrate our amazing community of pilots. With that in mind, we've shifted the release date of World of Warplanes to November 12th (or 13th depending on your time zone) to be certain we can offer our players a rich and immersive multiplayer experience when the gam - 公式サイトの記事 »




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World of Warplanes »

is an action MMO game dedicated to the golden era of military aviation. - ゲーム詳細

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