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SAGA プレス倉庫SAGA Alpha UpdateOrem, UT, April 17, 2007 - Saga, a new Massively-Multiplayer Online Real-time Strategy (MMORTS) game from Wahoo Studios, is seeking a limited number of new applicants for the final stage of the private online Alpha test at www.PlaySaga.com. “Reaction from the community has been very positive, with online troop
trading proving extremely popular and addictive”, says Jason Faller, Executive
Producer of Saga. Saga is set in a persistent world built by Dallan Christensen (Lead Programmer
of Starcraft: Brood War). Saga’s features include: Five distinct factions (Light, Machines, Magic, Nature, and War); each
with its own races, powers and buildings. For additional details and play test information visit www.PlaySaga.com. About Wahoo Studios, Inc. - Wahoo Studios is a leading independent developer of PC and console games. Based in Orem, Utah, Wahoo Studios has worked with the top game publishers, creating outstanding titles for all age groups and all platforms. Under their NinjaBee label, Wahoo Studios has also developed several critically acclaimed titles for the Xbox Live Arcade downloadable market. Copyright (c) 2007 Wahoo Studios, Inc. all rights reserved. Up 2007/04/18 |
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